How to Write a Novel in 20 Steps

Want to write your first novel but don't know where to begin? Learn the step-by-step creative process behind writing a novel in this video tutorial! (Plus, there is most definitely a free checklist involved).So you’ve decided to write your first novel (high fives for you, friend!) and you’re eager to get started. But where exactly do you begin? Should you outline your plot first? Or should you start by developing your characters? But wait–what about research?

What’s a writer to do?

For a new writer, the road to a finished novel can be a little hazy at first, especially when you’ve never been through the writing process before. In this 15-minute video tutorial, I’m going to walk you through the step-by-step process I follow to write a novel. This is a process I’ve refined over the past 11 years of practice and experimenting.

After watching this tutorial you’ll get a better feel for the creative process behind writing a novel, and have a clear idea of where to begin and the steps you’ll need to take to reach a finished product.

Plus, I’ve created a free checklist for this process which you can download below the video! Ready to go more in-depth? Then be sure to check out my free 100+ page e-book “Writing 101” (which also includes the checklist), which you can also download below!


Click below to grab the free downloads mentioned in the video!

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial, friend! Thoughts or questions? Share them in the comments below!







6 thoughts on “How to Write a Novel in 20 Steps

  1. I will definitely share this! I remember the first novel I wrote. OMG, it was crap! But that was when I learned the most about story and how to write well! Most times it’s the garbage we create, the toughest journey we take that we learn the most from!

    1. I completely agree! First novels are pretty much inevitably guaranteed to suck, but they’re such an invaluable learning experience! Making mistakes gives you the most opportunity to learn even if it makes you feel like a terrible writer at the time. Thanks for stopping by, Natasha!

  2. Thank you so much for the invaluable tools and resources you share with us. I am in the midst of writing my first novel and I am learning how truely tough it is. Specially when you reach those dry spells. Your tools, I find to be good resources and advice to apply and learn from as I write. Once again thank you very much for sharing them. I enjoy your blog site and I follow it avidly. Keep up the good work Kaitlin.

  3. There’s been one step that I’ve been missing over and over again. It’s the one where I should read what others have written that are along the same lines as what I want to write. I shouldn’t be missing this step. Not only with I avoid writing something exactly like someone else’s story, but the smaller ideas I can grab and adjust are probably numerous. This is a worthwhile tutorial that every writer should take.

    1. I’m glad you found the tutorial helpful, Glynis! 🙂 Reading stories that are similar to yours definitely helps you make sure your story stands apart! As the old saying goes there’s nothing new under the sun and everything’s already been done before, but there are plenty of ways to add a fresh perspective to a familiar story!

  4. Thank you for the video. You definitely gave me a lot to think about and I appreciate the information.

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